Hold on to your butts. This is NOT a panel, lecture or boring pre-recorded video where we sell you our wares. No siree. The Gather & Grow series brings together a community of marketers, designers and creative leaders, covering topics on the intersection of design and marketing growth.
Register once and get notified when each session drops!
With live interactive Q&A, networking, and actionable teardowns/critiques, our Gather & Grow sessions are unlike your typical webinar. Simply register ONCE and you'll be the first to be notified of all future sessions.
You can expect oodles (not to be confused with 🍜) of actionable takeaways, examples and real life stories.
Get your competitive pants on! We like to dabble into social contests and Kahoot games during our sessions.
Have your most juicy, thought provoking, keep-you-up-at-night questions answered live by our expert speakers.
Time flies when you're having fun (or doing work). Whether you miss an event, or simply want to rewatch it, you'll get access to all session recordings.
Both during and after the event, we'll be hosting networking sessions and AMAs to continue the conversations and learning in our community.
We ask our speakers to share their favorite resources (think books, articles and more), which are shared out during and after each session.