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Aligning Marketers and Creatives for Smooth Collaboration

Did you know that giving feedback in the “right” way makes it easier for organizations to achieve their goals?

Great results can't happen without great collaboration. Watch the recording of the session where we discovered strategies that break down barriers and cultivate a one-team mindset.

Key takeaways

Find a middle ground for everyone's needs

Creatives enjoy feeling like there’s a piece of themselves in their work. That doesn’t always resonate with marketers’ “nuts and bolts” need to serve the customer journey. Sit down and figure out where the happy medium exists for your teams.

Frame communication objectively

Don’t tell people what to do—tell them what outcome you want, as concisely as possible. Having a shared understanding of a crystal-clear outcome is the best way to get marketers and creatives on the same page.

When giving feedback, ask, don’t tell

Asking someone questions about their work (i.e. “how do you feel about this project?”; “is there anything you’d change if you could?”) prompts them to think more critically about the work, and to ask for resources if need be.

Lose the complex & technical lingo

Don't assume that marketers understand creative terminology, or vice versa. Communicate in straightforward, universal language when engaging with diverse functional teams. Refrain from using acronyms or technical jargon.

ai design services

Save up to 70% on production costs

Leveraging the use of AI, customers like Amazon, Reddit, and Salesforce managed to spend less than half of what they normally would