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Amrita Mathur

Amrita Mathur

Former VP of Marketing

Amrita is a veteran B2B SaaS marketer and the VP of Marketing at Superside. Besides preaching to everyone and their mother about how good execution is the ultimate differentiator for your company, she hosts our monthly Gather & Grow series featuring leaders from Adobe, Dropbox, HubSpot, Intuit, Shopify and more. Find her on LinkedIn and Twitter and say hi!

Is the Marketing Funnel F***ed?
Digital Marketing
6 min read

Is the Marketing Funnel F***ed?

Marketers are questioning the funnel. Is there any use for it these days?
Amrita Mathur
Former VP of Marketing
The Marketer’s Guide to Crafting Compelling Ad Copy
Advertising Design
10 min read

The Marketer’s Guide to Crafting Compelling Ad Copy

Ad copywriting isn't always easy! It's all about crafting words that drive action while keeping things concise. We've got 8 ad copy tips you can try out today.
Amrita Mathur
Former VP of Marketing
13 Drool-Worthy Product Page Designs
UI Design
9 min read

13 Drool-Worthy Product Page Designs

From Wealthsimple to Mini Cooper, we gathered 13 product page designs to get inspired by. We've also outlined some quick tips to help you increase conversions!
Amrita Mathur
Former VP of Marketing
5 Strategies to Optimize Your Black Friday Campaigns
Advertising Design
5 min read

5 Strategies to Optimize Your Black Friday Campaigns

Cutting through the noise during any holiday is tough. Here are 5 strategies to optimize your Black Friday campaigns and stand out from the crowd.
Amrita Mathur
Former VP of Marketing
One Page Website: Pros, Cons & Examples
UI Design
7 min read

One Page Website: Pros, Cons & Examples

The one page website is a trend that many companies are on board with. But why? We take a look at some one-page site examples, along with the pros and cons.
Amrita Mathur
Former VP of Marketing