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Our CPL decreased 50% With UGC-Stye ads. Yours could too.

Andres Levinton
Director of Growth Marketing
Published4 Mar, 2020

At Superside, we bet big on video, and it's been paying off. In particular, UGC-style video ads delivered a 3x increase in lead acquisition and cut our cost per lead by 45% month over month.

A lot of what we’ve learned will challenge your assumptions about effective B2B marketing. Here are our top three, battle-tested learnings for UGC video ads. Hopefully, this will help you start experimenting with video and improve your next campaign.

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3 Battle-Tested Learnings for UGC-Style Videos You Should Steal

When we say “UGC-style videos,” we’re not talking about videos with influencers in them. Rather, we’re referring to videos shot in a classic, first-person UGC-style, like this:

In fact, we tested influencer-led UGC videos vs. the same script delivered by our own talent… and to our surprise, the version with our talent performed better.

The takeaway? You don’t need a stacked influencer strategy to reap the benefits of UGC-style video. Mimicking a UGC tone and style with in-house video can do the trick.

Naturally, we dug deeper into UGC-style videos and created ad campaigns for three of our most popular guides. Here’s what we learned in the process…

1. Tap into your audience’s aspirations and curiosity instead of rehashing pain points

We experimented with a lot of openers and found that an aspirational, curiosity-driven question performed better than a question that touched on a pain point.

For example, a video that opened with, “Wanna know how brands like Adobe run their marketing teams?” performed better than one that asked, “Is your design team in a rut?” It seems when it comes to problem-solving, curiosity beats empathy.

2. Script skits into your videos

Integrating short, relatable skits into your videos is a great way to capture attention. Note, we found ads that led with a skit then cut to an “influencer” performed better than ads where the actors in the skit interacted with the main “influencer” directly.

This may seem like a small insight, but it’s valuable to know you don’t need the “actors” and “influencers” in the same scenes when coordinating filming schedules.

3. Emphasize your audience’s strengths before pointing out the gaps you can help fill

Sprinkling in a little flattery also works well! In one of our ads, we started by listing the strengths of the target audience and it performed better than the variation that jumped straight into details about the guide being promoted.

This tactic shows your company’s industry knowledge and also creates a direct connection between you and your audience.

Unlock the Full Value of Video Marketing

There’s no question, stellar video marketing can help you stand out online. But not every marketing team has access or capacity to experiment with video, let alone scale it.

The solution? A Creative-as-a-Service (CaaS) like Superside is a great way to get high-quality video, while keeping costs and risks low.

Whether you need video-editing, story-boarding, shooting or end-to-end support, our world-class creatives can plug right into your team… so you can get video fast, at scale and without any of the hassle.

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Andres Levinton
Andres LevintonDirector of Growth Marketing
Andres Levinton is the Director of Growth Marketing at Superside. Besides advocating for quality design at scale, he spends his time playing bossa-nova, searching for waves and cooking Argentinean asados.
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