/ N2Y
Project Summary


N2Y offers a range of tools and solutions designed to support all those involved in the special education journey, from teachers and administrators to parents and, of course, unique learners themselves. Math scores have been dropping significantly over recent years in the US, with an even more alarming drop in special education math. We needed to highlight this issue and show n2y as a trusted partner to all involved in the special ed math journey. We also needed to drive our audience to engage with n2y’s math learning resources (in this case, downloading a whitepaper and signing up for a webinar). The C+C team came up with a powerful campaign concept - an invitation for all to join forces in improving special ed math learning: Changing the equation, together. When it came to execution, we used compelling math-learning stats to highlight the problem and hit home the importance of n2y’s solutions. Visually, these were brought to life using n2y’s actual learning materials, making the info easily digestible and appealing to the eye. Bold headlines highlighted math learning issues in a clear way, directing viewers to various n2y resources and pages. Aside from the usual static executions, we also convinced the customer to animate some of the visuals for relevant platforms.